The anti-for-profit health care coalition puts it to a vote

‘You don’t want to have to call your ER and see if it’s open,’ says the co-chair of Guelph and District Health Coalition

Residents throughout Ontario, including Guelph and Wellington, had an opportunity to unofficially weigh in on the provincial government’s health care privatization efforts, courtesy of a “community opinion vote” headed up by the Ontario Health Coalition.

An online poll ran for about a week, leading up to in-person ballots being cast at numerous locations on Friday and Saturday.

“The goal is to give Ontarians an opportunity to voice their opinion on whether or not they want our hospitals to be privatized,” said Brit Hancock, co-chair of the Guelph and District Health Coalition, noting privatization plans weren’t part of the Progressive Conservative Party’s re-election platform ahead of last year’s election. “They really have no mandate to be doing this.”

Using its legislative majority, the provincial government officially passed Bill

Most liveable cities: The 2023 rankings are in


It’s nicknamed the “city of dreams,” and it seems the Austrian capital may just be a dream place to live.

The ranking of the world’s most liveable cities for 2023 has just been released by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), and Vienna has come out on top yet again.

The EIU, a sister organization to The Economist, ranks 173 cities around the world on a number of significant factors, including health care, education, stability, infrastructure and environment.

Vienna held onto its first place spot on the EIU’s Global Liveability Index, winning praise for its reliable infrastructure, standout culture and entertainment and impeccable education and health services.

The city, which has occupied the top position several times over the years, was closely followed by Denmark’s Copenhagen, which retained its second place position.

While Australia’s Melbourne and Sydney have dropped down the list in recent years, with Sydney dropping out