How Carrie Underwood Is Teaching Her Kids to Eat Healthy
Like many other people, Carrie Underwood spent the majority of COVID quarantine in her garden. She started the plot in 2019, but used the extra time at home to get in deep — and since then, it’s turned out to be an unexpectedly great parenting tool, namely to teach her kids about healthy eating.
“We have lots of discussions on why we should or shouldn’t eat certain things or drink certain things with our kids,” Underwood tells POPSUGAR.
“[T]hey feel more invested and excited about eating things that are good for them if they have a role to play.”
But many of us who grew up in the era of toxic diet culture and almond moms know that practicing a healthy relationship with food and bestowing it upon your kids is easier said than done. Teaching kids what’s “healthy” without demonizing certain foods or implying guilt can be tricky, and