Eating a Mediterranean-Style Diet May Equal Taking 4,000 More Steps
- New research is suggesting that what we eat can also help contribute to our daily step goals by as much as 4,000 additional steps.
- People who had a healthier, Mediterranean-type diet were found to have better physical fitness.
- Eating healthily was associated with better metabolic health, as well.
For many people getting enough “steps in” has become part of a daily fitness goal.
So much so that everything from Google Maps to Apple Watches helps us keep track of how many steps we’ve taken in a day. But new research is suggesting that what we eat can also help contribute to our daily step goals by as much as 4,000 additional steps.
The study, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, suggests that a healthy diet is associated with greater physical fitness in middle-aged adults. Study authorDr. Michael Mi box Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston says