Breaking: New Self-Disclosure Policy – Rickard & Associates

The Department of Justice (“DOJ”) announced a new Voluntary Self-Disclosure Policy to be used by US Attorney Offices throughout the country.

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The new policy helps to encourage early and voluntary self-disclosure of corporate criminal misconduct. It reinforces the importance of having an effective compliance plan that identifies misconduct.

To be a voluntary self-disclosure, the disclosure must be voluntary, timely and must contain all relevant facts of misconduct.

If the disclosure is all of the above, the government will not seek a guilty plea against the companyso long as the company also fully cooperates with investigators and appropriately remediates the criminal conduct.

However, even if the disclosure counts as a voluntary self-disclosure, if the misconduct:

  • poses a grave threat

Mitt Romney Has A Blunt Message For Marjorie Taylor Greene

Mon. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) dismissed Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-Ga.) call for a “national divorce” that would separate the blue states from the red ones.

“You know, I think Abraham Lincoln dealt with that kind of insanity,” Romney said on Tuesday, according to Deseret News. “We’re not going to divide the country. It’s united we stand, divided we fall.”

Greene, a conspiracy theorist and close ally of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, said under his plan red states could openly discriminate against LGBTQ people and strip Democrats who move to those states of basic voting rights, among other things.

Critics on both sides of the aisle have denounced the plan, with some calling it “treasonous” and “evil.”

But Greene, who spoke last year at a white nationalist event, isn’t backing down ― she is doubling down, getting a sympathetic ear from Sean Hannity on Fox News over the idea.
